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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions About Laser Hair Removal


How will laser hair removal work?


Laser hair removal system give off a soft beam of light that would pass through the skin going to the hair follicle. The hair would then enthrall it and the energy coming from the laser is converted into heat and the hair follicle is incapacitated.


How do you compare laser hair removal to electrolysis?


Electrolysis can be a bit painful and tedious process in incapacitating hair follicle at one time. In some cases, this necessitates the disappearing act treatment for a couple of years in a regular basis.


On the other hand, laser hair removal can treat a lot of hair at one time so the process will be a lot faster.


Is laser hair removal appropriate for everyone?


With this unique design, Redding brilliant distinctions laser hair removal is now applicable to any skin types. And before coolglide, tanned patients and people with a darker skin tone are not able to obtain the results they are expect from laser hair removal treatment.


A coolglide device can emit a longer wavelength which permits to treat all kinds of skin tones. While patients with fair skin tone will react best. Medical studies have found out that dark skinned or tanned people are now able to attain hair reduction just the same with people who have fair skin without having any unwanted side effects.


In a number of Redding tattoo removal or laser hair removal device, a conclusive treatment will usually require having a darker hair on the skin. While fair skinned people with dark hair will respond best. Persons who have coarse and dark hair are easiest to treat since dark hair has melanin which is a dark pigment that draws the laser light even more so that more light is taken up. Fewer sessions are necessary.


Light-colored hair is harder to treat while red and blonde hair are the hardest to treat since it will require numerous laser hair removal sessions with a wide range of results.


Anyone with a diet containing high amounts of beta-carotene will necessitate to alter his or her eating habits if they want to attain the best outcome laser hair removal. Beta-carotene, which is found in squash, carrots, vitamin A and other kinds of vegetables produce an orange or yellow color in the skin which takes in the laser energy and disrupts it from reaching the hair follicles.


Since beta-carotene can stay inside the body for a couple of months, adjustment in the diet is necessary for the preparation of your hair removal treatment.

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